MIRADOR Kids Yoga & Mindfulness Teachers
Laura Love RittingerLaura completed our 95 Hour Yoga Alliance Accredited Mirador kids yoga & mindfulness teacher training in Spring of 2015. In her own words, "this was truly one of the best decisions I’ve made – to enter and complete the well-rounded program Cezarina has organized, to become a part of her community of yogis, teachers, and students, as well as, subsequently, become more self-aware so that I can incorporate her teachings into my daily lessons in the classroom. I am not a full-time yoga teacher. I am a full-time English & Social Studies teacher, spending much of my time in a traditional classroom setting with middle school aged children. A few weeks ago, I began my 8th year of teaching and it has always struck me how important (even necessary) it is at times for students to be self-aware, mindful of their actions and intentions, as well as have time to relax, recuperate, and rejuvenate themselves. Unfortunately, these are learned skills, habits, and patterns that are not always been modeled appropriately at home. Thanks to Cezarina and the resources, tools, and activities she gave us during our kids yoga teacher training, I’ve been able to implement some of them into my daily routines, while still teaching the needed curriculum and standards. ...As a classroom teacher, I’ve also been stretching myself with letting students move, or simply not be so stuck to their desks. We’ll do a lot of role-playing, modeling, posing, etc. which are all ideas I’ve gathered from Cezarina at her Mirador Yoga School. The students are more engaged, retain information better, and generally are more comfortable – it adds to our classroom climate, of it being a safe, pleasant environment so that they are better able to learn and be successful. Moreover, Cezarina’s teachings and the whole Mirador Kids Yoga teacher training certification in general was so inspiring for me, I’ve voluntarily created a Yoga Club that occurs once a week after school that students eagerly participate in. Not only do they enjoy our weekly sessions, but they’ll tell me how on their own time they’ll practice yoga and will even creatively try to incorporate yoga principles into regular class lessons, if the activity is open for that connection. I have so much gratitude for Cezarina, who’s been a catalyst for this transformation that’s gradually taking place with me and my students!" (Laura Rittinger, Teacher at Bellevue Middle/High School, KY)
Cristina SpinnerI feel so much love and connection, no sense of separation. There is so much GRACE I feel right now…only tears and no words. All I can say right now is THANK YOU…I am very grateful for all of you in my training group. I feel so much grace and so much more to come in for us now. I am so blessed, Cezarina, that you facilitated all of this, it is amazing. I feel so blessed to know you and to have been on this kids yoga teacher training journey together. I feel that a magical portal just opened for us...our light work will make a difference in so many lives. Cezarina, thank you for everything, and for being an inspiration to many...in this Amazing New World! Our Beautiful Children's Yoga & Mindfulness Teacher
Alina Bense (Cluj Napoca, Romania) facilitating an empowering session for her students. |
Amy RambergAmy loves teaching kids yoga clubs at several schools in Cincinnati, OH. In her testimonial, she mentioned that "going through Mirador Kids Yoga, Mindfulness & Creativity Coaching Teacher Training has been so much more than a training...it has been a continuation of the priestess process for me, diving deeper into Self-Realization, Self-Love, Empowerment and the world of Magic! This process has been opening me even more to love and divinity. I "know" deep in myself I am here to share the gift of yoga and more with the children. I also "know" I am meant to do this as a co-creation with my 6 year old daughter.... I am grateful for the support I am being given on this journey! I am grateful for Cezarina. Her love shines so strong and I know her support is unconditional. She allowed the space for me to shine even brighter!...The new earth begins with each of us and sharing that feeling with children is amazing! May I hold light and love as I continue on this journey!" (Amy Ramberg, , Cincinnati, OH)
Angela Larmi“I completed the 200 hour yoga teacher training and never did anything with my certificate. I felt that fun was missing while trying to teach the adults, they were too serious for me. Then all of the sudden my husband showed me the FB post about Cezarina’s Mirador Kids Yoga Teacher & Creativity Coaching Training and he said I should check it out. I looked at this, I called the number and I met Cezarina in September 2015 to ask more questions; and from that first moment I made that connection with her it was absolutely wonderful. She opened her door to me and I have been immersed in magic ever since. I am so happy! Now I can easily teach yoga to adults and have fun with it. This training takes you back to your true essence, it doesn’t make you afraid to be vulnerable and to try something new. You open up to your True Self, you become a risk taker…like a child. Cezarina believes the greatest yoga teacher trainer lives inside of you…we simply come together to discover that piece of the puzzle. The process of this Mirador training is the coming together of brilliant minds to expand creatively, to share their inner power, to envision things that have not yet been created.
Ramona OrosPsychologist & Psychotherapist, Co-Founder of Montessori Kindergarten Monterra in Bucharest, ROMANIA School Website: http://www.aicicrescmontessori.ro Ramona's Video Testimonial: |
Boboc Mihaela |
Elena Lazar |
"Numele meu este Mihaela si am urmat cursul Mirador de certificare de kids yoga, mindfulness si creativitate pentru copii in 2016 in Bucuresti. Vreau sa ii multumesc Cezarinei pe aceasta cale si sa ii spun ca sunt recunoscatoare pentru tot ce m-a invatat si mi-a daruit sufleteste. Acest curs, m-a ajutat pe mine personal sa constientizez mai profund anumite situatii, sa depasesc anumite limite, sa privesc unele lucruri altfel ca pana acum. Cezarina este un om minunat si oricine ar vrea sa o aibe alaturi. Ne-a inconjurat cu multa iubire si ne-a acceptat neconditionat. La acest curs ne-am jucat, am creat si am facut multe lucruri frumoase impreuna. Copiii au nevoie de noi pentru a-i ghida in dezvoltarea lor, iar acest training, ei ne invata pe noi adultii, cum ii putem ajuta. Recomand cu multa caldura acest training care se intampla numai o data pe an in Bucuresti...daca iubiti copiii si daca doriti o schimbare in viata voastra!" (Boboc Mihaela, Mangalia)
Testimonial in English: "My name is Mihaela and I took this Mirador kids Yoga, Mindfulness & Creativity Coaching teacher training certification in 2016 in Bucharest. I would like to thank Cezarina by writing this testimonial because I am grateful for all she taught me and all she gifted me at a soul level. This training helped me personally to become more conscious in my life in different situations, to transcend my limitations, to see things in a different light. Cezarina is a wonderful person and anyone would love being close to her. She surrounded us with so much love and accepted us unconditionally. We played together, we co-created many wonderful activities as a group. Children need us to guide them in their evolution and in this training we allowed the children themselves to show us new ways to guide them. I truly recommend this training as it happens only once a year, so if you love children and you want a change in your own life, this is definitely for you! (Boboc Mihaela, Mangalia~ Romania). |
Cezarina, I felt like you came to us from a specific level of Consciousness of love, purity, creativity, passion for the Light. You have a very lofty soul and a wonderful fragrance in your heart! Your energy is very pure and has such sophistication and subtlety that I do not know many Beings who could integrate it yet...
Beyond the course information, you have your unique vibration and offered your knowledge to all of us being aware of all the purifications that occurred for everyone so they could get access to this level of consciousness of love. This was a very precious gift. The Saturday before the last day of the course I felt the Presence so intensely as if we had meditated in group for hours, and knew that each participant was being polished from the inside and I knew this kind of purification was part of the work you came here to do for us. This Children;s yoga & mindfulness training itself was so much more than that ... It was a live transmission of Your Consciousness ...You are a wonderful human being, so precious to everyone around, I saw you as a princess from Another World, as an angel of Inspiration, a muse and a very Elevated Being whose presence fills one with love, purity and creativity ... Love and Gratitude...( Elena Lazar from Bucharest, Romania ~ storyteller, kids yoga & mindfulness teacher ) |
Monica Dobre: Romania
"I took the MIRADOR Children's Yoga & Mindfulness teacher training in 2016 and I appreciated it so much because Cezarina offers and encourages a space of authenticity, creativity and freedom for personal development. You can learn by doing in the moment along with the training group and Cezarina is supportive, kind and passionate about being next to you in your journey of becoming an excellent teacher! I deeply recommend this international training certification with Yoga Alliance SUA (it only comes only once a year in Bucharest.) The 2017 Training is happening: MAY 19-28th and this work of empowering kids is essential now. Meeting Cezarina can be a Breath of Fresh Air for your personal growth!" (Psihologist Monica Dobre : experiential psychotherapy, non-violent communication, body psychotherapy & working with gifted children).
Maggie Rosch"The 95 Hour Children’s Yoga Teacher Training with Cezarina Trone from Mirador Yoga & Creativity School RCYS unlocked my creativity and inspired me to connect with the joyous child inside of me. Cezarina is simply magical, setting the stage with music and props, weaving yoga themes into stories, games and meditations to create a yoga practice that touches the heart and soul of young and old alike. The training is hands-on so we were able to learn from the children who came to our classes as well as from Cezarina. As a result of the training, I now have a network of kids yoga teachers with whom I can collaborate on class ideas and teaching opportunities. This training has given me the skills to teach yoga to children of all ages."
~ Maggie Rosch ( Engineer, Math Teacher/Tutor, RYT 200, 95 Hr Mirador Kids yoga & mindfulness teacher graduate ( soon to be RCYT). |
Alina Bense: Romania (Cluj Napoca) I have signed up for this training hoping to gain knowledge. What I got instead was way beyond my expectations,and it's all because of the Value added that Cezarina brings into this training certification. I am grateful to have had the chance to meet such a warm, wonderful person, who plays the role of a Life Coach, Trainer, Healer, friend and infinite fun resource fountain. She has delivered so much more than the program curriculum, she has offered us advice, healing space and warmth. I have had an amazing experience during this course and I would take it again and again just to be again in that space and high vibration, sharing experiences and mirroring in each and every participant. I came to attend the course alone and I have left with a lot of new friends and together we are building a strong visionary community that is bringing its share in making the world a better place. So thank you, Cezarina again for offering us this chance! LOVE you, Alina❤️