I thrive on using yoga, mindfulness and life coaching tools to children such as feeling their own inner power as they breathe, move and embody any story line... Today was a great day to introduce a flavor of Fall as we welcomed the Autumn Equinox into our changing seasons and lives. I found this lovely apple star story and adapted it in different ways to teach 2 year olds during the morning... and then later in the day, I introduced it to 9-12 year olds ( as a creative experiment).
WHAT FUN we all had indeed!
My favorite part...as we closed our eyes and pretended to be stars shining brightly and beaming our lights into the world around us. You can do it now as well:
"...let’s make sure we are RADIANT and Filled with LIGHT ourselves first to have enough to give to others later. Breathe in and draw the Light into your body slowly until you feel like a pure transmitter of Light. As you sit crisscross and with your back straight, open palms towards the center of the circle and feel light radiating out; feel your heart beaming light as well as your forehead and top of your head. Let us practice this state of being the Light Source. (I also took time here to ask them whom we should be sending light and love to…)
It is so delightful to hear the children take turns and share whom they chose to be sending light and love to... lost dogs, sick people, starving kids, etc...
Nevertheless, we added this story to our collection of others for our MIRADOR Kids Yoga Teacher & Creativity Coaching Practicum for the 95 Hour Children's Yoga Certification with Yoga Alliance. Enjoy it for yourself today!
The Story of the APPLE STAR
ENJOY our FREE Apple Star Yoga Story here:

apple_staryogastory_cezarinatrone.pdf |